Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Poem

I know I haven't done a poem in a very long time but here is the new one. Here goes nothing...

Blogging is so hard to do
i don't have a clue
and you all know it is true

Well there you have it.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Mentalist

The Mentalist is my favorite T.V. show. So I decided to write a poem about it. Here it goes...

My favorite T.V. show is the Mentalist
It makes me want to do the twist
I just can't resist

I hope you like it... :0

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sweet Tea

Ok... Hello everyone I know I haven't posted since friday but I don't post over weekends sorry. Today I will add another poem but I am asking everyone who reads this blog to comment on this post what there faveriote one is. Thanks
Here is the poem!!!

My tea is very sweet
I let the bags soak in the heat
so sweet it want taste like my feet

Friday, March 27, 2009


Well it is hard to think of topics everyday so I had a hard time with this one. I hope you like it...

Toiletpaper is so very soft
but it makes me cough
so i shouldn't put it in my loft

Well I hope your all inspired!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Debate

I am currently in speach class and we are doing mock debates so I wrote a poem, to tell the other team that they are going down. Here it is...

The debate is on like donkey kong
going back and forth like ping pong
and for you it's going to be very long

This is dedicated to Jordan and Kendall DA LOSERS

hope you like it...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Here is my newest poem hope everyone likes it!!!

I am on an iphone
I really want to moan
because I have not grown
enough to get my own

Well I hope you love it!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hello viewers I am kinda sad right now because I really don't want to do my homework but I need to. So i will write another poem about homework. Here goes nothin.

Luke dislikes homework very much
but it is the only way his teachers keep in touch
so he should do it all in dutch

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Dumb Internet

Well...this is my second blog and I am going to write about how stupid my computer is. Here goes nothing. This is my poem about the computer and the internet connection.

This internet is stupid
I wish it would go faster
but it is as slow as plaster

Well I hope you like it everyone.
~Luke the blogger master~

First Post

This is the first of many blog post. The world will be astonished by Luke Huskey